Going Cellular on healthcare – an exploration

According to mobile analytics firm Flurry India’s connected device installed (smart phones and tablets for the uninitiated) base grew by a whooping 160% from April 2012 to April 2013. According to the latest report of IAMAI and IMRB, till Oct. 2012there  are a total of  76 million mobile internet users  ie accessing internet from their  mobile devices  in India and this doesnt include  dongles and data cards.  This number is expected to reach 130.6 million by march 2014 and 164.8 million by march 2015.

Now those  are  crazy  stats but the  question here  is  are  you on the  smart phone  yet. Applicability for   smart devices in hospitals is just  at its infancy but the  possibillities are just enormous.

A Hospital Based  App  –  this is for marketers as well as for  operational convenience. Though i have thought of other  applicability ill leave that for another post.

Developing one  basic downloadable hospital application with various utility parameters set into it. So lets get my thoughts straight here these  are just some random ideas that  i have  worked  upon or come across which work or should work you can always add  more in the  comment section.

a) Pill Reminders  – once a  prescriptions been filled  out and dispatched from the pharmacy this application can be downloaded and it will remind you when you need to take your  medicines  could be used for both in and  outpatient. I think this application is already being used  by Wallgreen  (part of the wall mart enterprise)

b) Health check reminders once you have booked  a  health checkup this does a basic count down to the  health check reminding you from three days  prior to the HC . and  one day before it sends you details as to what is expected from you . Also allows  you to give an online feedback

c) Virtual consultant  feed your query get an answer and  tie in for fixing up an appointment

d) Appointment  scheduler no calls required like an online consultation allows you to choose a speciality a consultant and an available time slot maybe about a  month in advance again a  reminder system can be put in for when your consultation is due

e) Diet check – basic calorie / special need diets  includes interesting recipes as well as  a basic calorie calculator such apps already exist on  the  ios and  android markets and can be integrated they are  for free  usually.

f) im not to sure if this can be done but basically an emergency helpline number that  the  app can directly feed into your mobile and  which will be  accessible at the  touch one button

g) Promotions any new  promotion pass it on  to your existing customer , though this is a  bit of an issue but can be

h) Disease research  – if you need to know anything about a  particular disease  get the data here

i) Patient connect  – connecting with patients suffering from similar disorders successfully treated by the  hospital with contacts if required like mobile testimonials and brand ambassadors. also mention best times to contact.

Thats  just the  tip of the iceberg i am certain as we go ahead we can find more utility.

Whats important for a particular app to be successful is that its  patient centric and understands  what purpose in patient care or patient  information provision it serves.  The  App has to be utility focussed and  not just there because  everyone is moving onto the  mobile platform or because  you want  to push messages to your community  from your hospital. If thats the  approach you have  then even if people do  download your app  they will get  rid of it faster than you can say flu. So remember friends utility is king and thats the only way you can create a  successful app.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this  post are my own and  are  not meant to be derogatory  to any institution or organisation. These are just my thoughts and  these are open for further  discussion and  development. Please do comment and  share and  let’s get some universal cognition into this. Thank you for your patience and  tolerance.

The SEE – THINK – DO Marketing framework for Hospitals

Let  me  be  honest the  ideas  here in terms  of application might be  mine  , but this  models  been developed by Mr. Avinash Kaushik , author  of Web Analytics an Hour a  Day and  Web Analytics 2.0 . i haven’t had the  privilege of reading these  books as of yet however  i do frequent  his blog Occam’s Razor and  i would suggest that  having read  this do visit his  site. Its  a  highly intelligent and informative blog  and a  must for all marketers. You could visit  his  site  before  hand  and  develop your own thoughts  about the  model too.

So  lets  get started whats the  SEE-THINK-DO framework all about.

We all know  how as marketers we  view  the  purchase  decision  / Funnel , be  it the  AIDA concept (Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action) or the  CAB (Cognition, Affect, Behaviour) or any other but that’s  basically it. I would say See – think- Do is the  same thing but  its thinking from the consumer’s point of view. The other  two are  very marketer oriented terminology, and  believe you me terminology  at times can change  our thought and behaviour.  Also when it comes to Healthcare other than maybe some cosmetic procedures and  maybe birthing , the  desire is usually amiss. However  the  decision funnel still retains the same  shape. We as individuals  do consider which hospitals  we would like to go to, be  it consciously or subconsciously.

So in the  SEE phase are people  who will require healthcare,  specifically the specialities you  cater too. this  is a  very broad category, and a very large part  of the  population will belong to this category  . The purpose of this categorization is not inclusion but rather  exclusion people who will not use your  services must be excluded. So maybe a generalist target population could be considered here

The Think phase has  people who use healthcare  services and are thinking about it,  this is evident by even a  slight intent . They necessarily are  not  planning to use healthcare services immediately but think they might do so sometime  in the  future.  this is a part  of the see population. So might be  people who are health aware  , who seek out  information regarding health.

The  Do segment  are  people who are actively  seeking healthcare providers. Who are shopping for care and are  in need for it.  this  is a  subset of the  think people eg If  it’s an elective  procedure we actively assimilated information, listen talk and  shop.

So we have these  stages what next. The  whole point to this framework is that it allows for us to consider each of these segments in our marketing plan, it helps us in creating content which is  specific and  yet broad  enough for these categories. It allows us to select channels which would be most effective. Now remember  this is not a  prescriptive frame  of reference  like all frames of references its  basically  a concept  an idea to increase your understanding of your customer and for optimising your  marketing  plans and strategies to  maximise benefit. The  key word  here  is yours.

Basing  our Content  Strategy around  The  Framework

Before  we  go to market and  decide  on what channels we  will engage in its  important  to have a  definitive  content strategy based around the  Framework. If  your  call to  action at all times is  buy buy  buy , then you are catering to a  very specific do segment. This is a  small segment and you  would lose out on the  opportunity to engage the  Think and to attract the  SEE people. Thus  your content the  way it’s housed or structured needs to be as broad and as  specific as  possible . This  is  much easily achieved on  a website  , however offline media is a slightly different ball game  however  , i  do believe depending on whom you are reaching out to there are  components that can be added to your print advertisement  or bill board which do more  than just cater to one single segment.

Eg Heart Care, lets say we are  targeting a very specific cardiac care population, while you run a  general solid copy introducing care “1000,000 hearts beat  under our care”,  for the  see public you could also integrate a  Facebook / blog address for the  think population to connect with our stories visit and  integrate  a  website  and  telephone for the  do population simple facts but are we doing them. Digital media provides us  with a  much better  opportunity to create these touch points and must be considered while creating our content  structure and design. And then there  could be specific campaigns which cater individually to each of these  segments individually for the see stage the campaigns will be brand oriented, for the  think stage they could be  narrower speciality or  disease  oriented and for the do stage they could be  action oriented and  need to be further  narrowed down .

Basing our Channel strategy around the  framework.

We need to consider what channels are we looking at to help us in reaching out to our target population and  more importantly which segment are we looking at reaching out  to through what channels. these  will dictate the creatives we  go ahead with.

Also probably an important  thought here  would be can we  actually increase the utility for a  particular channel to go across multiple  segments  through maybe changing our content.

The end result should be more effective  campaigns and better utility of channels.

Eg again ill take  it offline bill boards  when we  enter  a  market at times you might have  basic billboards  which initially are  for the  see  population but with time these can be effectively used to engage.

Similarly your keyword clusters would be  perfect for the same  , broader  keywords for the see population and narrower keywords for the think and do population.

Basing our measurements around the  framework

The third  stage would be to measure  for what we are trying to achieve. Somehow we  tend to focus on one core  measure and that  is conversion. Thats all we  talk about that’s  all we  know that’s  all we  measure  against. But  as was  stated before if the  core purpose of the campaign is to target the see population then how can we expect them to convert , conversions might happen and  probably  will happen but  in exceptional cases  in this case conversions is not the right measure. As Avinash states we cant really judge fish on their ability  to climb trees, lets measure them on their ability to swim. The  major concern here  is that perceived failure  leads to squashed campaigns and then there’s nothing left to do we  and  we miss  out on  an opportunity to engage a  potential customer because  we were measuring for conversion.  So its important to develop metrics for each of these stages

eg See – brand awareness, increased community, site  visits, conversations

Think  – interactions, query resolution, blog hits, call ins , page  depth , conversations,

Do – the part we love conversions, revenue, cost  per  conversion an   likes.

Well now you have the tool to measure the performance  of any particular campaign  and if id doesn’t work kill it  and if  it does hit it. Also i think some of these considerations can then further be applied to other  sales channels such as  doctor referrals, what stage is the  doctor at and what particular strategy we will have for him. Is that not brilliant  would it not naturally work much more efficiently.

So do try it and  see  of t works, whats there to lose if we engage with our customers as we  do currently im certain a time will come where nothing will work and people would just be put off because we are not sending out a  message that they are  ready for. Anyway with  social media and other reciprocal channels coming in people  are  selecting what they choose to listen to , so lets base our campaigns around our clients needs rather than ours and lets  cater to their selective attentions.


The views expressed in this  post are my own and  are  not meant to be derogatory  to any institution or organisation. These are just my thoughts and  these are open for further  discussion and  development. Please do comment and  share and  let’s get some universal cognition into this. Thank you for your patience and  tolerance.